Frequently Asked Questions

Hard water produces rock-like scale build-up affecting your pipes, water heater and appliances. A direct impact of hard water includes a change in water pressure due to clogged pipes and  malfunctioning of your water heater. We can remove the hardness from your water supply, call 321-244-1793 today.

On average a family of four in the United States saves up to $1,200 per year with treated water. You use less detergent, cleaning agents, soap, shampoo, and expensive moisturizers. Say goodbye to the constant scrubbing to the scum buildup around your showerheads, faucets and tiles. MyAguaTech helps remove the hardness and impurities from the water supply. Call today 321-244-1793. s


A water softener is a water treatment system designed to remove the hardness from the water supply. It is composed of a media tank, brine tank and a circuit board. A water softener can be installed indoors or outdoors and the water system is connected to the main water supply pipe. It exchanges sodium ions with  calcium and magnesium ions during the regeneration process. Regeneration is referred to when the water softener flushes out the calcium and magnesium minerals collected during the ion exchange process. It regenerates itself based on water usage and once the cycle is complete, it flushes the hard water into the drain. The resin is reactivated and is ready to start the process all over again. Maintenance every 12 to 18 months is highly recommended by the manufacturer in order to keep the water softener working like new.  regenerates itself based on the water usage and once the cycle is completed it flushes the bad water into the drain and the resin is activated again to start the process all over.

In general, the installation of a water softener can take up to three hours if the main water source is within proximity and there is no trench involved. No water should be used during the installation  

According one of the largest water treatment/water softener  manufacturers, you should use crystal/solar salt instead of pellets.  Solar salt can be found at your local hardware store. 

A water softener /water filter should be service  every 12 to 18 months. Maintenance consists of sanitizing the water softener and brine tank, check the settings, run the cycles, test the water and lubricate moving parts. Call 321-244-1793 to schedule maintenance for your water softener. 

Soft water saves you  money and time by reducing the amount of laundry and dish detergent, cleaning agents, shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizers. It helps eliminate the soap scum in your tub and tiles.  A water softener protects 

the pipes and heater from clogging.  Another extraordinary benefit of removing the hardness from your water supply is that you’ll enjoy softer skin, hands and hair. Live healthier with quality water. Call MyAguaTech 321-244-1793.

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